
SURAKARTA - The Surakarta City Government (Pemkot) has given time to move for residents of flats (rusun) who are already independent.

Surakarta Mayor Gibran Rakabuming Raka said the effort should take turns with other residents who still need subsidies from the government. "Yesterday I discussed it with Mr. Kasno (Chairman of the PDI-P Faction of the Surakarta City DPRD). The point is that we don't want to rush to expel," he said in Solo, Wednesday, May 31, confiscated by Antara. he said, later there will be selection of residents who are still feasible and are no longer worthy of living in flats to then determine the continuation. "We will not have much selection first, those who already have cars don't live in flats, those who already have houses elsewhere don't live in flats, those who feel they have established to take mortgages, don't contract houses anymore because there are already thousands of people who have waiting lists," he said. he said, for flat residents who are actually able to live in their own homes or contracts, actually not much but will still be put in order. "I am also committed not to change the rules or Perwali. Later we will arrange it slowly," he said.

Meski demikian, ia mengatakan masyarakat tidak perlu terburu-buru karena pihaknya tidak serta-merta mengusir."Jadi warga yang masih tinggal di rusun tenang saja," katanya.Sementara itu, ia meminta agar masyarakat yang tinggal di rumah susun sudah tahu pemberlakuan aturan sejak awal."Orang yang tinggal di rusun ketika masuk sudah tahu aturannya, iuran berapa, maksimal berapa tahun. Itu perlu diperhatikan, pokoknya kami kawal terus," katanya.Sedangkan untuk penghuni rusun yang sudah di atas enam tahun namun sempat terdampak lesunya ekonomi akibat pandemi COVID-19, dikatakannya, akan diberikan diskresi."Kami tidak serta-merta mengusir," tandasnya.

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