How To Check NIK Recipients Of Electric Motor Subsidy Via Applications, Can Buy Online
Illustration of subsidies for electric motors (Between)


YOGYAKARTA - The subsidy program for purchasing electric motorbikes can be enjoyed by the people of Indonesia since March 20, 2023. However, the subsidy program of Rp. 7 million is not given to everyone. To find out if you passed the criteria for the recipient, you need to know how to check the NIK of the recipient of the electric motorcycle subsidy.

The subsidy program for purchasing electric motors is provided by the government to encourage electrification climate in Indonesia. Recipients of this subsidy program will receive financial assistance of Rp. 7 million to buy electric motorcycles. The government has four criteria for people who are entitled to receive this subsidy.

People who meet the criteria for receiving electric motorcycle subsidies just come to the dealer to take advantage of the program. You just need to show your NIK on your ID card to be able to use the subsidy assistance. You need to know how to check the NIK of the recipient of the electric motor subsidy to find out if you are the recipient.

The existence of a subsidy program really helps people who want to buy electric motorbikes. Unfortunately, the government is still limiting subsidy recipients with certain criteria. The following are four criteria for people who are entitled to receive subsidies for electric motorbikes.

Subsidy for purchasing electric motorbikes is given to Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs), especially for recipients of People's Business Credit (KUR).

Electric motor subsidy is also intended for recipients of the Banpres Productive Micro Enterprises (BPUM).

The subsidy for purchasing electric motorcycles is also intended for people who are customers of 450 to 900 VA electricity.

Check the NIK recipients of the electric motorcycle subsidy can be done easily. For people who become Bank Mandiri customers, checking the ID card NIK can be done through the Livin' by Mandiri mobile banking application.

People who meet the requirements and become recipients of electric motorcycle subsidies can also make purchases directly through the Livin' by Mandiri application. PT Bank Mandiri Tbk in collaboration with Volta to facilitate the convenience of buying electric motorcycle products. In Mandiri mobile banking, there is an electric motorcycle purchase feature that can be accessed by users.

Demikianlah reviewasi mengenai cara mengek NIK penerima subsidi motor listrik. Dengan pemberian subsidi tersebut, pemerintah menargetkan adanya pembelian motor listrik sebanyak 200.000 unit. Ada 18 model motor listrik yang bisa dipilih oleh masyarakat.

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