
The Solo Embarkation Hajj Organizing Committee (PPIH) noted that eight prospective pilgrims from Central Java (Central Java) were delayed and sent back to their area due to health until the seventh day of departure to the Holy Land.

"There are eight Solo Embarkation Hajj candidates who have been postponed to leave and returned to their area, but one person will depart in a wave of two due to health conditions," said Public Relations of the Solo Embarkation Gentur Rama Indriyadi at the Haji Donohudan Boyolali Dormitory, Tuesday, May 30, confiscated by Antara.

Gentur explained that the Solo Embarkation noted that eight prospective pilgrims had been delayed and returned to their area because their health conditions were not fit to fly to the Holy Land.

First, the prospective hajj on behalf of Rusmisih Salidin Kanafi (57), as long as Demak Regency is a member of batch 7 was postponed and returned to its area on May 25, due to heavy dementia and without companions.

Second, Sarju Amad Toyib (89), from Semarang Regency, batch 17, was postponed for departure to the Holy Land this year, because his health condition experienced chest tightness and was unable to carry out the pilgrimage and was declared unfit to fly.

Third, Haji Haluji candidate Mustafa Yusuf (80), from Semarang Regency, batch 17, also experienced dementia, so that when this prospective Hajj candidate entered the Muzdalifah building or the departure in question did not want to be flown in his batch. PPIH then contacted local officials to be sent home and waited for his health condition to improve.

Fourth, Rumaliah Ahmad Dalhar (85), from Wonosobo kloster 20 Regency, experienced severe dementia and without companions, then returned to his area. Fifth, Johar Jowahir Wongsodimejo (70), from Temanggung Regency 20, experienced severe dementia without companions, so he was sent back to his area. Sixth, Puryanto Parsorejo Dipantika (83) from Wonosobo Plotter Regency 21, experienced severe dementia and without companions. Seventh, Sumiarto Hemi Wosorejo (87), Wonsono klotter Regency 21, experienced heavy dementia and without companions.

Another Hajj candidate on behalf of Sumiati Basirun (59), from Semarang City, batch 11, because there was a special health care for DM, so his departure was postponed to the Holy Land and the plan was to send a second batch of Solo Embarkation pilgrims. So this prospective Hajj is only enough in Saudi Arabia's Mecca because of its important health condition, it is important to be able to carry out the pilgrimage.

Meanwhile, Solo's Embarkation until Tuesday, at 15.00 WIB, the number of prospective hajj candidates who entered the Donohudan Boyolali Hajj dormitory was 21 groups with 7,511 people. Those who have been flown to the Holy Land, there are 19 groups 6,795 people.

For the arrival of pilgrims for Hajj candidates at the Solo Embarkation, there are two groups, namely 21 from Wonosobo Regency arriving at the Hajj Donohudan dormitory at 06.00 WIB as many as 360 people and 22 groups from Wonosobo Regency, Purworejo, and Magelang City as many as 360 people.

This Tuesday, PPIH Embarkation Surakarta, plans to dispatch three-cluster Hajj candidates, namely 18 from Semarang, Salatiga and Temanggung Regencies, have been flown to the Holy Land at 05.05 WIB, followed by a group of 19 from Temanggung flown at 15.05 WIB, and a batch of 20 from Temanggung and Wonosobo, plans to be flown at 20.15 WIB.

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