Bogor City Police Traffic Unit managed to thwart dozens of teenagers who were about to fight in the Suryakencana area, early Sunday morning. Officers managed to secure evidence of a number of sharp sickle weapons, and a type of sword.
In teenagers who were arrested by officers while conducting routine patrols on Sunday night. Of the dozens of teenagers who were arrested, nine people were further processed because they were caught carrying sharp weapons.
Bogor City Police Chief Kombes Pol Bismo Teguh Prakoso said the nine people who are currently arrested are at Simpang Gang Aut, Suryakencana area, Bogor City, around puku; 03.00 WIB.
According to the Chief of Police, they are strongly suspected of having a brawl. "The connection then managed to thwart a brawl at the Aut Alley intersection," said Kombes Bismo, Monday, May 29.
The police chief also revealed that in addition to arresting nine people who wanted to fight, officers also managed to secure evidence of a number of weapons such as eight sickles, and one knife type of sword.
In addition, they are also suspected of being under the influence of liquor (alcohol) because at the location two bottles of alcohol were found. "We also secured evidence of three of their cellphones," he said.
From the results of the interim examination, it was explained that the Kombes Pol Bismo who were arrested came from several groups, while based on their area they came from the Tajur area, East Bogor District, Suryakencana, Central Bogor District, and Ciapus, including Curugangka, Bogor Regency.
They came in groups separately and gathered in the Suryakencana area. It is suspected that they will do a brawl, while the investigation is still ongoing," he said.
Meanwhile, the Head of the Bogor City Police Traffic Unit, Kompol Galih Apria admitted that while conducting patrols around Gang Aut, officers saw a group of approximately a dozen people preparing to do a brawl.
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Instantly, joint personnel, both Raimas and Piket Lalu, who were led directly by the Head of Traffic Unit, immediately approached the crowd of teenagers who were about to fight. Dozens of panicked teenagers immediately tried to escape and threw a knife into a small ditch at the location.
"Because we saw the officers, the perpetrators ran, then we secured 9 people," said Kompol Galih. There are indications that we have made an appointment to do a brawl, and we are currently investigating it," he concluded.
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