
The Head of the Criminal Investigation Unit of the National Police, Komjen Agus Andrianto, ordered the Directorate of Drug Crimes and his staff to be aware of and anticipate the phenomenon of narcotics, namely political involvement in drugs or political funds from drug networks.

"I ask all ranks of the Police drug investigation to start mapping and anticipating drug-related problems that can hinder the 2024 General Election," Agus said in his statement quoted by ANTARA, Friday, May 26.

This was conveyed by Kabareskrim in a technical working meeting (Rakernis) of the Directorate of General Crimes in Bali. According to Agus, ahead of the 2024 general election (Pemilu), one of the problems anticipated was the politician involved in drugs.

Kabareskrim said that the involvement of politicians in drug abuse clearly violates ethics and norms, it is even possible that there is drug trafficking involving politicians in taking advantage of their profits to support their political activities.

"In response to this, the Directorate of Drug Crimes at Bareskrim Polri and it is hoped that it can prepare strategies and take advantage of the technology it has to prevent the occurrence of political narcotics phenomena," said Komjen Agus.

The former Head of the National Police's Office also ordered the ranks to carry out law enforcement in a professional, fair and integrated manner.

"Anticipate the use of sources of funds from drug trafficking for election activities," said Agus.

In his mandate, Agus also asked his staff to improve good relations and cooperation between relevant stakeholders in holding elections through communication, coordination and collaboration in realizing conducive elections.

"Then efforts to eradicate drugs completely to the roots, it is necessary to realize that these actions have increased the level of public trust in the Police and become a charity field for Polri personnel and institutions," said Agus.

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