
Jepara Police, Central Java secured a mother with the initials S from Balong Village, Kembang District, Jepara, because she had the heart to throw her three-month-old child into a well with a depth of between 15-20 meters.

According to Jepara Police Chief AKBP Wahyu Nugroho Setyawan, a child named M. Hafidz who was dumped into a well by his own mother, was successfully evacuated dead.

Previously, the family reported to the Kembang Police that their child was missing. Then the police came to the location with a sniffer dog for a search and asked the family for information. The baby was finally found to be in a well 10 meters from the victim's house.

The police have also asked for information from the victim's parents, including his mother, who, based on her confession, threw the baby into a well.

"We still have to carry out further investigations, although the determination of the suspect points to his mother," he said.

Later there will be a case title, even though there has been an acknowledgment from his mother who threw the baby away on the grounds that since three days ago he has been sick and continues to cry.

"We will also prepare a psychologist team because his mother's condition is certainly also in shock," he said.

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