
Three perpetrators of theft of 200 kilograms of iron from the Jakarta-Bandung High Speed Rail (KCJB) project have been arrested by the Bandung Police Criminal Investigation Unit (Satreskrim).

which is located in the Tegalluar area which belongs to the Cileunyi District, Bandung Regency, West Java. Bandung Police Chief Kombes Pol. Kusworo Wibowo said the suspect had the initials A (29), J (24), and WK (26). According to him, A and J were security officers on the project.

Meanwhile, WK is the driver who helped carry the stolen goods. "This theft case is located at KCIC Tegalluar Station which was carried out by KCIC's own internal security. It was carried out on May 2, 2023, precisely at 00.30 WIB," said Kusworo at the KCIC Tegalluar Project Depot, Bandung Regency, Saturday, as reported by Antara. According to him, the suspect as a security officer used the shift time at night to launch the action. According to him, the two security officers coordinated with WK as the driver to bring a pickup truck to carry stolen iron.

However, when carrying the stolen goods, according to him, the three suspects were met by the TNI and Polri officers who were guarding the project. "Then they saw irregularities, they were asked questions, and after an investigation it turned out that they had stolen iron in the KCIC area," he said. Based on the results of the investigation, according to him, the iron was thought to have come from the former rail work and cable shielding that was underground. From that case, the police then secured evidence in the form of a unit of Suzuki Carry 1.5 black pickup and a number of iron rods weighing approximately 200 kilograms. However, Kusworo ensured that the police would investigate further in order to find other suspects suspected of being involved in the national project. The suspect is also subject to Article 363 Paragraph 2 of the Criminal Code Theft was carried out by two people together or more and threatened with imprisonment for a maximum of nine years.

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