
JAKARTA - AG's attorney, Mangata Toding Allo, revealed that his client had made two reports of sexual abuse by Mario Dandy Satrio to the Polda Metro Jaya. However, the report was rejected, for two reasons.

He explained that the first Police Report (LP) was rejected because the complainant in the sexual abuse case had to be submitted by the victim's parents or guardians.

The reports that will be submitted regarding criminal acts of obscene acts and/or sexual intercourse with children are Article 76D in conjunction with Article 81 paragraph 2 and Article 76 E in conjunction with Article 82 paragraph 1 of Law no. 22 of 2002 amended by Law no. 35 tahub 2014 child protection of Law 2022.

"The police report was first made and submitted by the reporting legal adviser on Tuesday, May 2, 2023," Mangata told reporters in Setiabudi, South Jakarta, Thursday, May 4.

Therefore, continued Mangatta, the AG legal team reported Mario again on Wednesday, May 3. However, this time with the Mayor of the Reporting Party.

"Because the reporter is at the place of detention, the SPKT Polda Metro Jaya picket officer needs to wait for his superiors from their duties on Monday, May 8, 2023, to conduct a police report again against MDS," he said.

Manggata assessed that it should be based on the provisions of criminal law that applies to criminal acts of sexual abuse, it is an ordinary offense.

"The criminal act can be immediately processed by the party to the police. Especially because this fact has been revealed in the investigation and even in the trial," he said.

"Police reports have been rejected twice, until now the investigation process has not been carried out by the police. This is very worrying and shows how difficult it is to submit a police report to MDS," he concluded.

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