The Banjarmasin Police have detained a member of the Bripka JD police for molesting an elderly (elderly) with the initials MW (63) who is known as a household assistant (ART) at the perpetrator's residence.
"We have detained the perpetrator after undergoing an examination by Propam," said Banjarmasin Police Chief Kombes Sabana Atmojo, quoted by ANTARA, Wednesday, May 30.
Sabana emphasized that the process of imposing sanctions on members of the National Police is now running in Propam as a form of commitment to take action against every violation committed by members.
Even to expedite the inspection process, Bripka JD has also been deactivated in his duties.
Regarding the criminal process handled by the Peat Police, the Banjar Police, against Bripka JD, who has been named a suspect, Sabana ensures that she will not intervene.
"I have ordered Propam to coordinate with the Peat Police so that this case can be resolved immediately to try the person concerned if he is guilty," he said.
Sabana also asked the public not to be afraid to report if an individual member of the National Police was found acting arbitrarily so that it could be followed up immediately.
"Our commitment is to create a Precision and Humanist Police as exemplified by the National Police Chief and the South Kalimantan Police Chief," he said.
Then other members are asked to maintain their attitudes and behavior so that similar incidents do not happen again in the future in order to maintain public trust in the Police as a protector and protector.
Sabana has also visited the victim's house (63) today in the Peat District, Banjar Regency to apologize directly and provide love and ensure that the victim's health condition has recovered.
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