
JAKARTA - Chairman of the DPP Party of the United Development Party (PPP), Ade Irfan Pulungan, stated that Ganjar Pranowo's presidential candidacy by PPP was united in the ideology of nationalism and Islam.

"Since the early days of independence, the new order to the reform period, cooperation between nationalists and Islam has always occurred. Currently, the cooperation is well maintained by PDIP and PPP," he said, quoted by ANTARA, Monday, May 2.

PDIP and PPP cooperation does not only occur in the presidential election, but is practiced in all lines of democracy. Many regional elections reflect PDIP - PPP cooperation.

"One of the most phenomenal is the PDIP - PPP coalition in the 2018 Central Java Pilkada which paired Ganjar Pranowo - Gus Taj Yasin Maimoen," he explained.

If it is traced back, there is a "Mega - Bintang" coalition which at the end of the New Order (Pemilu 1997) is a form of resistance to the dictatorship of the Suharto government era.

"History also records the Megawati-Hamzah Haz pair who was once President and Vice President of the Republic of Indonesia. This is the PDIP-PP pair that these two parties have always remembered," he said.

According to Irfan, the relationship between PDIP and PPP has been very harmonious and respectful. The figures of the two parties on many occasions and times respect each other. Such as the closeness of Megawati Soekarnoputri to senior PPP figures, namely Ismail Hasan Metareum (ex. Ketum PPP), Mudrick Sangidoe and Charismatic Ulama Leader PPP KH. Maimun Zubair.

"The very harmonious relationship is both in terms of party personnel and institutions who always carry out political cooperation and stay in touch," he said.

In addition, the PPP - PDIP office which is next to or neighboring on Diponegoro Street, Menteng, Central Jakarta, has made a symbol of a strong close relationship for PPP and PDIP.

According to Irfan, PPP wants to repeat this history in the democratic party in the Presidential Election on February 14, 2024 by supporting and nominating Ganjar Pranowo as President for the period 2024-2029 and proposing the best cadres from internal PPP as vice president.

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