
The truck accident that entered a ravine resulted in four deaths and two dozens of injuries in the Lamreh area, Krueng Raya, Mesjid Raya Regency, Aceh Besar District.

The truck they were traveling in on the road declined in the Lamreh area, Krueng Raya, the truck could not be controlled and hit the road divider, causing it to enter a ravine with a depth of about eight meters.

The Head of the Krueng Raya Police, Ipda Roly Yuiza Away, who was contacted from Banda Aceh, Tuesday, said that apart from dying, 25 other people were injured.

"The victims were evacuated to the Krueng Raya Health Center and then referred to the Zainoel Abidin Regional General Hospital in Banda Aceh," said the Sector Police Chief, quoted by ANTARA, April 25.

The accident occurred Tuesday (25/4) at around 12.00 WIB. The truck was driven by Ilham (32), carrying a group from Gampong Balu Tanoh, Sakti District, Pidie Regency, to the Pasir Putih tourist beach in Gampong Lamreh, Grand Mosque District, Aceh Besar District.

Roly Yuiza said that his party could not confirm the cause of the accident. The Banda Aceh Police Traffic Unit has gone to the location to investigate the accident that claimed four lives.

"The cause of the accident is still under investigation by the Banda Aceh Police Traffic Unit. So, it cannot be concluded whether it was due to human negligence or failed brakes. From the results of the investigation, the cause of the accident can only be known," he said.

Meanwhile, Acting Regent of Aceh Besar Muhammad Iswanto said the local government deployed a joint team from the Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) and the Health Service to help evacuate all victims of the overturned truck and enter the ravine.

"After receiving the information, Aceh Besar BPBD officers together with the TNI, Polri, and the SAR team immediately evacuated the victims of the truck into a ravine in the Lamreh area, Krueng Raya," he said.

Muhammad Iswanto said all victims, both those who died and were injured, were evacuated to the Krueng Raya Health Center. Next, he was taken to the Zainoel Abidin Regional General Hospital (RSUDZA) Banda Aceh.

"We are also coordinating with the Acting Regent of Pidie Wahyudi because all the victims came from the area. We have also reported the incident to the Acting Governor of Aceh Achmad Marzuki. We also express our gratitude to all those who helped evacuate the victims," said Muhammad Iswanto.

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