SOLO - Presidential Candidate from PDIP, Ganjar Pranowo, confirmed that he would continue President Joko Widodo's work program. Ganjar said that during his reign Jokowi had laid a very strong foundation in Indonesia's development.
This was conveyed by Ganjar at Wedangan Padmosustran Solo, Saturday, April 22. Not alone, in the event, Ganjar was accompanied by the Mayor of Solo who is also the son of President Jokowi, Gibran Rakabuming Raka.
"Today, the development that has been carried out by Pak Jokowi must be continued. He has laid a very good foundation for Indonesia's progress," he said.
Ganjar gave an example, the downstream program for domestic products that has been carried out by Jokowi. According to him, it could be a big leap for the Indonesian economy.
"Who is guarding it? So we have to take care and proceed," he explained.
Not only continuing, Ganjar is ready to make leaps and accelerations for Indonesia's progress. Because according to him, a lot of homework must be done.
"Our homework is not easy, the opening of the Constitution as a long vision of this country is still a lot to take care of. So we need to accelerate and jumps," he said.
Ganjar said he had talked about it with President Jokowi on the plane while traveling from Jakarta to Solo, Friday. Ganjar claimed to have received a short course from the president.
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"Yesterday I accompanied Pak Jokowi for 50 minutes on the plane. He told a lot of stories about how we made the leap and acceleration," he said.
Therefore, Ganjar hopes that whoever is appointed as his deputy will be able to work together to continue, make leaps and accelerate Jokowi's work program.
"There are many agendas that must be prepared. So that later we hope that our partner will have one vision and have a commitment to do that," he concluded.
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