
KAHIPANG - The Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics Agency (BMKG) of the Kepahiang Geophysics Station said that a hybrid solar eclipse was seen in part in Bengkulu. "The solar eclipse started at 09.33 to 11.54 WIB and the peak of the eclipse was seen at 10.41 WIB. For Bengkulu the solar eclipse was partially visible," said BMKG Earthquake Analyst Kepahiang Sabar Ardiansyah when quoted by ANTARA, Thursday 20 April. He said the phenomenon of a solar eclipse occurred once every 8.8 years or since 2000 BC (SM) to about 569 times a hybrid solar eclipse occurred.Kasi Data and Information from the Baai Island Climatology Station Bengkulu Anang Anwar added that the total solar eclipse and ring eclipse events that occurred successively in one eclipse phenomenon were quite rare. "In Bengkulu, the phenomenon of a hybrid solar eclipse this year occurred in the form of a partial solar eclipse, while a ring eclipse could not be observed," he said. For the Bengkulu Province region through which the solar eclipse was traversed partially with an eclipse magnitude stretching between 0.384 in Kaur Regency to 0.283 in Mukomuko Regency. Meanwhile, the Head of the Regional Office of the Ministry of Religion (Kanwil Kemenag) Bengkulu Province Muhammad Abdu explained that the phenomenon of the hybrid solar eclipse did not affect the hilal monitoring process to be carried out in the determination of 1 Syawal 1444 Hijriah.

He further said that this phenomenon was seen in terms of religion as the greatness of Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala (SWT) so that people were asked to perform sunnah worship, such as eclipse prayers and pray for the greatness of God. "There is a phenomenon of nature that there is something to regulate. That if Muslims see the greatness of Allah like that, we say Subhanallah, it is the greatness of Allah. It seems that all natural phenomena must have a secret behind it," said Abdu.

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