JAKARTA - The level of satisfaction with President Joko Widodo's work has been at the highest level in the last 8 years, or since 2015. This finding is the result of a poll conducted by Indonesian Political Indicators. Jokowi's approval rating is now at 75.5 percent.
The survey was conducted in the range of 8-13 April 2023, placing 1,212 respondents by telephone, while the confidence level reached 95 percent.
Executive Director of Indonesian Political Indicators Burhanuddin Muhtadi stated that Jokowi's high approval rating was due to the economic team's work. According to Burhanuddin, Indonesia's economic handling received a positive response by the community.
"In fact, as we all know, in some other countries economic conditions have decreased and are not good," said Burhanuddin when presenting the survey results virtually, Wednesday, April 19.
One of the things that raised Jokowi's high approval rating was the success of the Minister of Trade who is also the General Chair of PAN Zulkifli Hasan in controlling inflation ahead of Eid.
Dalam sejumlah pemeriksaan tiba ke pasar tradisional, bahkan beberapa barang pokok mengalami penurunan.
“ When viewed from survey data, what many people complain about is usually the price of basic commodities. If the price of basic commodities is stable, technocratically becomes the role of the Minister of Trade,” said Burhanuddin.
Therefore, Burhanuddin continued, the fruit of the work of the ministers, including the economic team's work in controlling inflation ahead of Lebaran, made Jokowi get electoral blessings.
"The credit points remain to the president," said Burhanuddin.
As is known, as long as survey findings are related to the trend of satisfaction with President Jokowi's performance, the figure of 75.5 percent has been the highest achievement since 2015. Previously, the highest figure was recorded in January 2023, reaching 75.3 percent.
Jokowi's approval rating is 75.5 percent, when viewed from the Indicator trend data, placing public satisfaction with President Jokowi's performance the highest in the last 8 years, or since 2015. In addition, this achievement also shows that the President's performance is starting to stabilize at the highest level.
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