
TANGERANG - Tangerang City Metro Police will implement an open and close system in the Tangerang-Merak KM 13.5 toll road rest area to prevent a buildup of vehicles which causes severe congestion.

"If there is a traffic jam of 1 kilometer from the entrance to the rest area, we will close it," said Tangerang City Metro Police Chief Kombes Zain Dwi Nugroho to reporters at the location, Tuesday, April 18.

Zain also appealed to vehicle owners who would go home, to avoid parking their vehicles on the side of the road. So that there is no impact on traffic jams.

"Then we will also urge motorists not to park on the shoulder of the road persuasively and humanely," he said.

On his occasion, Zain said that currently there is an increase in the movement of travelers' vehicles entering the first rest area to Merak, at KM 13.5 Tangerang-Merak Toll Road. It was recorded that there were 14 thousand vehicles passing through the Tangerang-Merak toll road.

"There has been an increase in passing vehicles, one day it has been 14 thousand, there has been an increase compared to the previous day," he said.

Therefore, his party has prepared facilities for motorists who are undergoing homecoming in Lebaran 2023. For example, he continued, rest areas, health checks for travelers in collaboration with the Tangerang City Health Office and PMI.

"We also have a service repair post that we have prepared, in collaboration with dealers to repair vehicles that are damaged or disturbed during homecoming," he concluded.

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