
JAKARTA - TNI Commander Admiral Yudo Margono, went directly to Papua on Monday, April 17, to rescue Susi Air pilot Philip Mehrtens, who has been held hostage by an armed criminal group (KKB) since February 2023. After previously an Army soldier from the Infantry Battalion (Yonif) Raider 321/Galuh Taruna, Pratu Miftahul Arifin, died last Sunday while on duty in search and rescue operations for Susi Air pilots in Nduga. Yudo said that several TNI soldiers were hit by gunshot wounds and fell into a ravine due to the slope of the terrain during a shootout with the KKB. "Yes, there were wounds from gunfire, some fell onto the mat because the terrain was tilted, so they saw conditions like that and slipped. We evacuated 3 gunshot wounds," said Yudo during a virtual press conference, Tuesday, April 18. The Commander is grateful that the three soldiers who were injured have regained consciousness. Yudo hopes that his soldiers will recover soon and be healthy again. "Alhamdulillah, everyone is in good health because I still say 'good afternoon Commander', so they are still conscious. There are also those who greet the command, so it means that Alhamdulillah they are still conscious, (hopefully, ed) they can recover and recover," said Yudo Margono.
Yudo conducted an operation evaluation followed by Pangkogabwilhan III, Pangdam XVII/Cenderawasih, Commander of Koopsus TNI, Pangkostrad III, and Danrem 173, Danrem 175, Dansatgas BIN, Head of the Cartenz Police Peace Task Force, Dansatgas Candraca, Asops Koopsud III, Dansatgas BAIS, Commander of the Police Mobile Brigade Unit, and Head of the BIN Eagle Task Force.

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