
JAKARTA - The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) suspects that there is a term holiday allowance (THR) for hot money related to corruption in land acquisition in Pulo Gebang, East Jakarta. This allegation was investigated by a witness, namely DKI Jakarta DPRD member Ruslam Amsyari FS on Monday, April 17. "The investigative team is also investigating the flow of money to several related parties regarding the PMD (regional capital participation) as THR (holiday allowance)," said Head of the KPK News Division Ali Fikri in a written statement, Tuesday, April 18. Ali did not specify who received the corruption money. However, he also said that investigators were exploring other things from Ruslam, one of which was the discussion of regional capital participation in the land acquisition. "His knowledge was re-investigated, among others, related to the discussion of the PMD of the DKI Regional Government in the 2018 and 2019 APBDs to Perumda Sarana Jaya for land implementation in Pulo Gebang," he explained. In addition, the anti-corruption commission also examined other witnesses, namely Senior Manager of the General Division and Human Resources PP Sarana Jaya Yadi Robby. He was asked for information from investigators regarding the flow of money during the discussion process. "The witness was present and his knowledge was explored, among others, related to the flow of money in the process of proposing and discussing PMD (Regional Capital Apparatus) of the DKI Regional Government for Perumda Sarana Jaya in land acquisition in Pulo Gebang," said Ali. Previously reported, corruption in land acquisition in Pulo Gebang Village, Cakung District, East Jakarta is suspected to have occurred in 2018-2019. This process was carried out by Perumda Sarana Jaya. The KPK has not detailed who the suspects are. However, a series of investigation efforts have been carried out, including conducting searches. On January 18, the KPK searched the DKI Jakarta DPRD Building on Tuesday, January 18. There were six rooms that were searched, including the office on the 10th floor, 8, 6, 4, 2, and the staff of Commission C of the DKI DPRD.
From this activity, evidence was found in the form of documents and electronic evidence allegedly related to land acquisition in Pulogebang. All of these findings will be investigated by the KPK and confiscated to complete the case file.

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