
JAKARTA - National Police Chief General Listyo Sigit Prabowo formed a task force (task) to secure homecoming routes that are prone to street crimes. The task force contains Brimob personnel to the TNI. "We have prepared a joint security task force from Brimob, Reserse, TNI to carry out sweeps," Sigit told reporters at Silang Monas Field, Central Jakarta, Monday, April 17. From the results of the mapping, street crimes that could potentially occur during the 2023 Eid homecoming include jumping squirrels and stabbings. In addition, non-toll homecoming routes are referred to as locations that have the potential for criminal acts to occur. Therefore, not only deploying task forces, the National Police also established security and service posts. Noted, there are 2,787 security and service posts spread throughout Indonesia. "For example, there are also posts, service posts that we prepare. So, for people who may get information or experience disturbances, please report to these posts later we will follow up," he said. On the other hand, Sigit also appealed to the public to remain through general channels. This means not using alternative routes.

However, if you prefer alternative routes, it is advisable to first question the officers. The goal is only to maintain security. "If there are people who may want to take other routes, it is better to go down and ask the officers not to get lost," said Sigit.

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