
MATARAM - East Lombok Deputy Regent Rumaksi testified in a hearing on the corruption case of banking people's business credit funds for corn farmers with the defendants Amiruddin and Lalu Irham at the Corruption Crime District Court in Mataram, West Nusa Tenggara.

The public prosecutor presented Rumaksi in his capacity as Chair of the Indonesian Farmers Association (HKTI) in West Nusa Tenggara who signed a recommendation letter for Lalu Irham's company, namely CV Agro Biobriket and Briket (ABB) as a "collecting agent" for agricultural KUR or companies that partner with farmers.

In testimony as a witness before the chairman of the panel of judges led by I Ketut Somanasa, Rumaksi confirmed that the West Nusa Tenggara HKTI issued a recommendation letter based on his permission as chairperson.

"I only provide recommendations, nothing else," he said as quoted by ANTARA, Monday, April 17.

Rumaksi ensured that he was not involved in other activities than channeling KUR funds to corn farmers in East Lombok Regency.

"Since then (issuance of recommendation letters), I have never been involved. There are no reports, nor the disbursement of funds, I don't know," said Rumaksi.

As Chair of the NTB HKTI, Rumaksi admits that he has never received any complaints from farmers receiving KUR credits.

He admitted before the panel of judges that he knew about this problem from the newspapers. "Know this problem after reading the newspaper," he said.

Therefore, the legal advisers for the two defendants and the panel of judges questioned Rumaksi regarding the issuance of the recommendation letter.

At the beginning of the statement, Rumaksi admitted that he did not remember the contents of the recommendation letter he signed.

He only confirmed that the request for CV ABB's recommendation as a "collecting agent" came from Amiruddin, who at that time was still actively serving as Head of PT BNI Mataram Branch.

"So, on the basis of what Amiruddin explained, he explained that this is a 'collecting agent' that will help banks collect farmer data through Irham's company," he said.

By stating this, Rumaksi realized that he did not ask for a deeper explanation regarding the intent and purpose of the defendant Amiruddin in asking for this recommendation.

After receiving an explanation from Amiruddin, he immediately asked the HKTI Secretary of NTB Iwan, who was also present, to testify at the trial to write a letter of recommendation.

"Because the requester (recommendation) is BN I46, and this is for the benefit of farmers. So that's the reason I issued the recommendation, so that it can be processed quickly. I thought that was simple," he said.

When Amiruddin asked for recommendations, Rumaksi stated that Lalu Irham was also present along with insurance company representatives. The meeting for the issuance of the recommendation letter took place in the office of the Deputy Regent of East Lombok on September 21, 2020.

"As far as I can remember, there were four people, Mr. Irham, Mr. Amiruddin, from Jasindo (an insurance company), and one more I forgot. What is clear, Mr. Amiruddin was dominant in the meeting," said Rumaksi.

However, he again admitted that he did not know which company had received a recommendation from HKTI NTB.

"I don't know which company (recommendation letter) is in it, all I know is that it's Irham's company, that's all," he said.

Related to Rumaksi's statement, Iwan as Secretary of HKTI NTB provided information regarding the recommendation letter.

"I made the recommendation letter, that very day, around the afternoon, still working hours. It was made according to the request. It was addressed to BNI, but it was handed over to Lalu Irham," said Iwan.

To the panel of judges, Iwan admitted that he handed over the letter to Lalu Irham in the East Lombok Deputy Regent's room. However, regarding who was present at the meeting, Iwan admitted that he had forgotten.

"I don't remember who was present at the time. What is certain is that Irham was there. As for Amiruddin, I don't know, what is clear is that this is the first time we have met face to face," he said.

After the two of them testified, Amiruddin responded by denying Rumaksi's statement. He said that he, who at that time was the Head of PT BNI Mataram Branch, had never asked the HKTI NTB for KUR recommendations for corn farmers.

"I was too naïve to ask for a recommendation. Because clearly, that is not my job," said Amiruddin.

He said that Rumaksi insisted on asking him to immediately disburse the budget.

"It was after the meeting to discuss KUR cows, I was asked to wait in the Deputy Regent's room. At that time, in Irham's presence, I was asked to speed up the disbursement of the budget," he said.

Despite hearing this response, Rumaksi remained in testimony as a witness. He advised the judge to ask the parties present at the meeting on September 21, 2020, to give statements.

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