LAMPUNG - The Lampung Regional Police highlighted a number of points in the Ketupat Krakatau Operation to secure the 2023 Eid homecoming and return traffic. This effort is to provide comfort for travelers going to Java Island or crossing Sumatra and vice versa.
"This means that the paths that travelers pass must be safe from crime, parking pockets and rest areas must be secured from crime, the same is the route that is passed," said Lampung Police Chief Inspector General Pol Helmy Santika, in Bandar Lampung, Sunday, April 16, confiscated by Antara.
Helmy said that his party focused on providing a sense of security for travelers from the aspect of crime. He added that the Lampung Regional Police also deployed a team of snipers at vulnerable points on the homecoming route in Lampung Province.
"I placed snipers at vulnerable points on the homecoming route. Where the points are is secret, it's impossible to tell where the location is (sniper)," he said.
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He emphasized that in launching the 2023 Eid homecoming and returning home, all the resources of the Lampung Regional Police will be optimized as an effort to provide a sense of security and comfort to the public in the framework of this year's homecoming holiday.
"Hopefully the security services we provide to the community in the context of going home can continue, not just before Eid," he said.
He also said that apart from placing snipers, the Lampung Police also alerted the Tekab 308 team which focuses on uncovering, catching, and preventing crimes.
"Don't hesitate to take firm, measured actions in a professional manner, especially if it's an action that really endangers property and lives. Don't hesitate," he stressed.
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