
JAKARTA - The perpetrators of attaching fake QRIS quick response code stickers (QR Code) in a number of mosques were arrested by the police after the video went viral and became wanted by the police in each region.

In the action, the perpetrator was desperate to change the QRIS fast response code sticker (QR Code) which was integrated with 12 charity boxes with other code stickers in the name of "Mosque Restoration".

Central Jakarta Metro Police Chief Kombes Komarudin confirmed the information about the arrest of the perpetrator of the fake QRIS sticker sticking.

"After all, we went to Istiqlal and we got the data, the team moved. We have a team from the South, there is a team from the Regional Police. The information I got was already held by the south team, what was the police team. Try to check there," said Kombes Komarudin, Tuesday, April 11.

The hunt for a police fugitive against the perpetrators of attaching fake QRIS stickers has attracted the attention of arrests by the police.

"Everything is moving, (the South Polres) is working, the Regional Police is moving. We (the Central Jakarta Police) are moving. Those who can (arrest the perpetrators) of the Regional Police or (Polres) south," he said.

Previously, the case of replacing the QR Indonesian Standard (QRIS) barcode in charity boxes in several mosques, especially Istiqlal, was in the spotlight. The police said the figure of the perpetrator had been identified.

"It has been identified (the perpetrator)," said Head of Public Relations of Polda Metro Jaya Kombes Trunoyudo Wisnu Andiko when confirmed, Tuesday, April 11.

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