
SUKOHARJO - There was an interesting incident when President Jokowi visited the Bulog Warehouse Complex, Ngabeyan, Sukoharjo, Monday, April 10. Jokowi intends to introduce Trade Minister Zulkifli Hasan to residents. However, what the residents called was the name of the Governor of Central Java, Ganjar Pranowo.

Zulhas and Ganjar did accompany Jokowi in distributing government rice reserves (CBP) for food assistance in 2023. Food assistance from CBP will be provided for the next three months. Per month, 10 kilograms will be given for a total of 21.2 million families in Indonesia. There was also assistance released by President Jokowi this afternoon to be distributed in several areas of Solo Raya, including Surakarta, Sukoharjo and Boyolali.

The visit to the Bulog warehouse complex was carried out after the two of them visited the traditional market in Boyolali. Ganjar Pranowo is back in a car with Jokowi, and also the Minister of Trade Zulkifli Hasan.

At the location, after checking Ganjar and Jokowi's rice stocks greeted the residents who received food assistance. To them, Jokowi had asked the name of the minister and the official of the President Director of Perum Bilog Budi Waseso who came with him. "What's his name?", said Jokowi.

"Pak Ganjar, Pak Ganjar," said the resident.

"If Mr. Ganjar doesn't need to ask, he has memorized everything," said Jokowi full of smiles.

On that occasion, Ganjar said that the distribution of this assistance was one of the government's efforts to maintain food price stability.

"Hopefully the community can also reduce the cost of buying rice, in this way it is part of the term Mr. President half of market operations, given (assistance) there is no need to buy anymore," said Ganjar.

According to him, currently prices at the petanj level are also high. Including the main harvest entering the peak of the season, so that reserves are also good.

"Our job now is to maintain stabilization by checking prices in the market, two stocks. If that happens, God willing, it will be resolved, including the end of inflation control," he said.

Meanwhile, President Jokowi at his press conference said that this food aid is expected to help reduce rice prices. Especially now in the main harvest period.

"This is during the harvest season, almost in all provinces. I checked in East Java yesterday, then South Sulawesi in Maros, in Central Java, in West Java, this is a big harvest. So supply problems, supply has no problems," he said.

Jokowi also said that from his observations for several days in several traditional markets, food commodity prices began to decline.

Among other things, cayenne pepper which a month ago touched the price of Rp. 80 thousand-Rp. 90 thousand, said Jokowi, currently the price is Rp. 20,000 per kilogram. Then the egg which costs now is Rp. 24 thousand, whereas previously it reached Rp. 32 thousand per kilogram.

"Everything goes down because the supply from the production is abundant. So if the price goes down, the supply is certainly abundant. If the supply goes up, the supply goes down. Economic theory is done. This is only two weeks left, God willing. One of them is food assistance such as semi-market operations to help the community, "said Jokowi.

Before releasing food assistance, Ganjar Pranowo accompanied Jokowi to review a number of traditional markets in Boyolali Regency. Jokowi's Kunker will continue until tonight with the tarawih agenda at the Syekh Zayed Grand Mosque, Surakarta.

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