
JAMBI - Jambi Province Bank Indonesia (BI) Representative Office appealed to people in the area to be aware of the circulation of counterfeit money during Ramadan and ahead of Eid.

"During Ramadan and Eid, the circulation of money increases, so people need to be aware of the counterfeit money circulating," said Head of BI Representative for Jambi Province, Hermanto, quoted by ANTARA, Saturday, April 8.

Until now, he said BI Jambi Province has not received reports of the discovery of counterfeit money circulation during Ramadan.

Even so, according to him, the public still has to increase their vigilance with the circulation of counterfeit money.

He also appealed to the public if they found money that was suspected of being fake, they needed to report it directly to BI, in this case the Jambi Province BI Representative Office.

Because when there is a discovery of money that is suspected to be fake, then the one who has the authority to declare it fake is BI.

BI will check the money and then decide the results. So every time there is a suspicion of a fake one, you can immediately report it.

Meanwhile, the actions taken so far are to anticipate the circulation of counterfeit money to the public through education.

BI provides education to the public about love, pride and rupiah understanding. Which is a manifestation of the community's ability to recognize the characteristics of rupiah authenticity, understand rupiah as a legal tender, understand the role of rupiah in the circulation of money, economic stability, and its function as a means of storing the value of capabilities.

Furthermore, the action against the perpetrators of the circulation of counterfeit money is the domain of the police. "We take preventive measures, namely prevention by means of education," he said.

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