Owners Of 7 Grams Of Marijuana Sentenced To 10 Years Of Panjara By The Ambon District Court
Drug case recidivist Abdulhaji Balubun was sentenced to 10 years in prison by the Ambon District Court judges, Wednesday (5/4/2023). ANTARA/Daniel


AMBON - Ambon District Court (PN) sentenced Abdulhaji Balubun to 10 years in prison and a fine of Rp. 1 billion against the defendant recidivist of narcotics and illegal drugs.

"Declaring that the defendant is legally and convincingly proven guilty of violating Article 114 of Law Number 35 of 2009 concerning Drugs," said the panel of judges chaired by Harris Tewa accompanied by member judges, Wilson Shriver and Ismael Wael, at the Ambon District Court, Wednesday, April 5, confiscated by Antara.

The thing that burdens the defendant, said the panel of judges, is because he does not support the government's program in eradicating drugs. On the other hand, the defendant was convicted in the same case.

The panel of judges also stated that the defendant had stated in the first case. However, in reality, the person concerned repeated the act so that the sentence was 2 years heavier than the prosecutor's demands.

The mitigating thing is that the defendant behaved politely during the trial process in court.

The verdict of the Ambon District Court judges was higher than the demands of the public prosecutor (JPU) of the Ambon Lilia Heluth District Attorney (Kejari). At the previous trial, the Public Prosecutor demanded a sentence of 8 years in prison.

Upon the decision, the defendant, who was not accompanied by a legal advisor because he was not present at the trial, immediately declared an appeal.

The defendant Abdulhaji Balubun was detained by the police for possession of narcotics class one type of plant weighing 7 grams of dried marijuana.

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