
JAKARTA Shane Lukas, the suspect in the persecution by Mario Dandy Satrio against David Ozora attended a trial with the defendant AG (15) at the South Jakarta District Court (Jaksel). During the trial, Shane's father, Tagor Lumbantoruan (60) was present to meet his son.

On that occasion, Tagor said that his son was a good person and often helped his family's finances. He even works as an online motorcycle taxi (ojol).

"This kid just graduated from high school, he had a ride online. I'm driving father online, helping father like that, that's his activity," Tagor told reporters, Tuesday, April 4.

Tagor revealed that his son confessed to him that he chose the wrong association. So, he was trapped in this case of persecution.

Furthermore, he regretted what he had done. In fact, Shane has apologized to David twice.

"Keluan ya hanya sorry saya ditempatkan yang tidak benar, di tempat yang salah tentunya. Ini sangat saya maaf dan saya maka minta maaf," ucapnya.

Based on Shane's confession, said Tagor, he told me that he knew Mario Dandy from his friend. He admitted that he only knew 2021.

"I was introduced to my friend, his son is an official like an official, how come this young man because this child is always open to me and at home I make sharing not only children as friends as younger siblings," he concluded.

For information, Tagor came to accompany Shane who was a witness in the follow-up trial of the defendant AG for the case of mistreatment of David Ozora.

In addition, he also delivered food and clothing to Shane during the witness examination hearing.

"Then indeed because there was a message that we had to wear white clothes, black shoes, of course we prepared. Because that's the level for the trial, I think. Of course, the food has not had time to have breakfast from the Regional Police here, I also prepare food," said Tagor.

To note, the trial was held behind closed doors. So that the father of Shane Lukas could not witness the proceedings of the witness' examination.

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