
YOGYAKARTA - Insurance policy is one of the important documents that must be stored properly. However, cases of people losing insurance policies are often found. Usually this happens because the owner of the policy is careless and forgets the place to store it. Then when the insurance policy is lost, what to do.

Insurance policies need to be stored in a safe place so they are not damaged and lost. Insurance policy is an important document needed for insurance claims, if one day you experience risks such as experiencing natural disasters, accidents, falling ill, and so on. If the insurance policy is lost, then the claim process becomes more troublesome.

Insurance policy has a validity period or a fairly long storage period and is rarely used. This is what makes many people often forget where to put or store insurance policies. So what to do when the insurance policy is lost?

Insurance policy is a contract document signed by customers and insurance companies. Customers position themselves as parties who buy or use insurance services. Meanwhile, the insurance company plays the role of the supporting party.

The contract in the insurance policy contains the transfer of risks and other applicable terms and conditions. The contents are written in the policy, including the types of risks that are borne, the amount of coverage money, the due date, and many more. Here are some important functions of insurance policies.

The insurance policy serves as proof of a written contract for an agreement between insurance companies and customers or their users. Whether it's for health insurance, life insurance, car insurance, education insurance, and so on.

Insurance policies are used as collateral for customers to compensate insurance companies. With insurance policy guarantees, the risk of losses suffered by customers will be borne by insurance companies. Including when customers file claims or lawsuits when there is a misunderstanding.

For insurance companies, insurance policies become a receipt for customers. With the policy, customers need to comply with all applicable provisions or regulations.

Usually, insurance companies will continue to process coverage claim submissions even if the insurance policy is lost. However, usually the submission process will be more troublesome or take longer.

So if your insurance policy is lost, there are several things that policy owners need to do.

The first tip you need to do is go to the insurance company's office that covers your insurance. You can come directly to report that your insurance policy is missing. Don't forget to ask what steps you need to take and how to claim insurance when the policy is lost.

If you are still having trouble contacting the insurance company, it's better if you immediately make a loss report at the police station. Come to the nearest police station to ask for a report of a letter of loss of insurance.

How to make a letter of loss is also quite easy. You just need to come to the police station and ask for a loss report. The letter of loss contains information about your lost belongings and the chronology of the disappearance. Usually you will be asked for information regarding how and when the policy document is lost and other information.

Currently, all reports or complaints from insurance users can be submitted to insurance companies easily. When your insurance policy is lost, you can directly contact the customer service of the insurance company. Tell me what problems you are experiencing and ask how to solve it or how to solve it.

That's the step that must be taken when the insurance policy is lost. Insurance policy is one of the important documents that must be maintained or stored properly so that it is not damaged and lost.

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