JAKARTA - The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) revealed that there are tens of thousands of officials who have not submitted state administrators' wealth reports (LHKPN). In fact, the deadline for submissions will fall on March 31.
"There are still a total of 33,026 required to report who have not fulfilled their obligation to report LHKPN," said Acting KPK spokesperson for Prevention Ipi Maryati in a written statement, Tuesday, March 28.
Even so, Ipi explained, this number is only eight percent of all state administrators who are required to report their wealth. As for those who have conveyed the number of their assets reached 339,623 officials.
He detailed, there were 18,259 members of the judiciary out of a total of 18,636 officials who submitted LHKPNs to the KPK. The central legislature that has conveyed its wealth reached 13,834 out of a total of 20,078 officials.
"Then for central and regional executives, out of a total of 291,254 Mandatory Reporters, 268,940 have submitted them, or 92 percent," said Ipi.
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Next, there are 38,590 out of a total of 42,681 officials at the Ministry of BUMN or BUMD who have reported their LHKPN to the KPK.
Ipi reminded officials who have not reported their assets to immediately carry out their obligations. They are required to submit before March 31.
"If you experience difficulties in filling out and reporting it, you can contact the LHKPN operator at their respective agency, or contact the KPK call center at number 198," he concluded.
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