
YOGYAKARTA - In Indonesia, almost everyone has recognized what the blue blood generation means. This designation is left to someone who has a lineage of aristocrats. Let's find out what blue blood means...

The blue blood content has actually been used for a long time to focus on many people who have a generation line from the royal nor royal. The mention of blue blood was in fact first heard in England in the 19th era.

According to the Big Indonesian Dictionary (KBBI), aristocrats are generations of Supreme People (most importantly kings and their families), insinuated or nationals. Generally those who live in the royal area.

The title is not only other countries, but also in Indonesia. Because, in Indonesia in the past there were kingdoms that were established.

In the past era, having black skin was an indicator of the lower class who worked hard at the base of the light of fire. Smart people and innates are not required to work outside because they are easily recognized by their pale skin.

What are the excesses of blue blood descent?

Children are blue blood, which is a manifestation of the generation of the ancestors of aristocrats or the generation of innards. Generally, people who have a generation of blue blood have a charismatic character and are respected by many people. Surely, people who have blue blood can be observed from their characteristics and characteristics in daily activities.

How to find out who our descendants are?

The trick is with DNA testing. DNA testing does not only play a role in ensuring that the child or the child is pregnant, but can also confirm where our ancestors started.

Characteristics of blue blood descent

So after knowing what blue blood means, see other interesting news on VOI, it's time to revolutionize news!

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