
JAKARTA - A worker who fainted due to a heavy hangover woke up with a tattoo on his head. Ironically, apart from the words "nonce" there is also a picture of the penis.

Laborer Edward Murray, 34, drank large amounts of beer while visiting a house in Nassington, Northamptonshire. He passed out and did not return to the house for four or five hours, reports the Daily Mirror.

Edward realized what had happened only when he went upstairs and looked in the bathroom mirror.

"I don't understand why I have this tattoo, on my hand, everywhere," said Edward.

"That's when I looked in the mirror in the bathroom and I could see my head."

The image of male genitalia is tattooed on the skin of Edward's forehead, along with the word "nonce" in large letters on his head.

"I couldn't read or write and I didn't know what was being said. But when I came back downstairs, everyone was laughing and giggling and calling me 'nonce'," she said softly.

"They thought it was a joke and they said they thought I had asked for this tattoo."

Edward said he thought he might have asked for his girlfriend Joanne's name to be tattooed. But don't know what they wrote.

He also got a tattoo 'carelessly; in his hands (Photo: Daily Star)

He finally made it out of the house and got a taxi. Arriving at his home in Peterborough, he contacted the police.

Since that tragic incident, Edward managed to cover the tattoo on his head with a skull and crossbones image.

Northamptonshire police said they were "investigating an incident that occurred on 2 September 2020, which involved a man in his 30s who was tattooed against his will".

They added: "The extent of the damage caused by this tattoo is so severe that it will require extensive surgery to repair it, and we are committed to bringing the offender to justice."

Two men aged 32 and 28 have been arrested in the alleged case. Currently, the two are under police bail pending further investigation.

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