
JAKARTA - The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) said it would examine all parties related to the suspected bribery case for the fries import permit. The case that ensnared the inactive Minister of Marine Affairs and Fisheries, Edhy Prabowo.

In fact, it is possible for the KPK to examine the younger brother of Gerindra Party chairman Prabowo Subianto, Hashim Sujono Djojohadikusumo.

Meanwhile, Hashim is a Commissioner of PT Bima Sakti. This company is one of the exporters with the blessing of exporting the fry.

"Whoever is involved will be summoned," said KPK Deputy for Enforcement Karyoto in a press conference held at the KPK's Red and White House, Kuningan Persada, South Jakarta, Thursday, November 26.

This summons, he continued, would be carried out because his party was still developing this case. The development of this case certainly requires testimony from witnesses.

"Summons to related parties will certainly be seen from the material we have," said Karyoto.

In addition, the KPK, he said, was also tracing the flow of bribes received by Edhy Prabowo. This includes whether it also flows to political parties or not. Given that Edhy's position is Deputy Chairman of Gerindra. However, tracing the flow of funds certainly takes time.

"Because what we show tonight is only one incident at the entrance. There are several companies that are there. We will list how many companies have obtained permits from this process and the flow is clear, we just need to deepen coordination with PPATK to what extent," he said.

"If anyone gets there, of course we will also check," added Karyoto.

Previously, Edhy Prabowo was named a suspect in receiving bribes along with five other people, namely staff of the Minister of KP Safri (SAF) and Andreau Pribadi Misanta (APM); management of PT Aero Citra Kargo (PT ACK) Siswadi (SWD); staff wife of the Minister of KP Ainul Faqih, and Amiril Mukminin (AM).

Meanwhile, the suspect who gave the bribe was the Director of PT Dua Putra Perkasa Pratama (PT DPPP) Suharjito (SJT).

Currently, the Gerindra Party politician and five other people have been detained at the KPK Detention Center for the Red and White House of the KPK for the next 20 days from November 25 to December 14.

Meanwhile, the other two, Andreau and Amiril, are not yet at large and have been asked by the KPK to surrender immediately.

"We appeal to the two suspects APM (Andreau Pribadi Misata) and AM (Amril Mukminin) to immediately surrender themselves to the KPK," said KPK Deputy Chairman Nawawi Pomolango at the KPK's Red and White Building, Kuningan Persada, South Jakarta, Thursday, November 26. early days.

In this case, Minister Edhy allegedly received Rp3.4 billion and 100 thousand United States dollars and he and his wife, Iis Rosita Dewi, used part of the money to buy luxury items such as Hermes bags and Rolex watches while on a trip to Honolulu, Hawaii, America. Union.

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