
JAKARTA - Israeli Defense Minister Benny Gantz said the recovery of Iran's 2015 Nuclear Deal with world powers was in the 'ER room' and could not be updated immediately, as European leaders voiced doubts about Tehran's willingness to restore the pact.

"Iran's nuclear deal seems to be in the ER," Gantz said at a counter-terrorism conference athirman University. "There is a possible period after the election, we'll see how it goes," he said, referring to the US part-time election in November.

His statement repeats what an unnamed senior Israeli official made on Sunday, who predicted the deal would not be signed before the November election.

Israel, Iran's arch-foe, supported the US withdrawal from the agreement in 2018 under President Donald Trump, who considered it too limited.

Israel also recommends that the United States under President Joe Biden's Government not be re-entered into the pact.

Meanwhile, Iran, whose nuclear ambitions are seen by Israel as an existenceal threat, denies seeking atomic bombs.

Since Trump decided to leave, Tehran has broken a 2015 deal by increasing uranium enrichment, a process that could make bomb fuel on the phone.

It is known, after 16 months of winding talks, the European Union submitted a 'final' proposal regarding efforts to restore the 2015 Nuclear Deal last August.

Earlier this month, Iran sent its latest response to a proposed EU text. Western diplomats say this is a step back, with Iran seeking to link the restoration of the deal to the closure of a UN nuclear watchdog investigation into nuclear activity that Tehran cannot explain.

As for Israel, the country is not part of the talks based in Vienna, Austria. The agreement, named the official Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) includes the United States, Iran, European Union, China, France, Germany, Russia and Britain.

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