
JAKARTA - Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) investigators summoned nine witnesses to be questioned regarding the alleged corruption case for the construction of the Mandala Krida Stadium, Yogyakarta.

Of the nine witnesses, one was the President Director of PT Pembangunan Perumahan (Persero) Novel Arsyad. Novel will be examined as a witness in his position as Director of Human Capital and Development of PT Wijaya Karya (WIKA).

Novel and eight other witnesses in the alleged corruption case will be examined by investigators at the KPK's Red and White House, Jakarta.

"Today, November 24, witnesses are summoned and examined at the Corruption Eradication Commission Office at Jalan Kuningan Persada Kavling 4, Setiabudi, Jakarta in suspicion of corruption in the construction of the Mandala Krida stadium, APBD for the 2016-2017 fiscal year in the DI Yogyakarta government," said KPK spokesman. The prosecution of Ali Fikri in his written statement, Tuesday, November 24.

While the other eight witnesses are, PNS Bappeda DIY and the 2017 Mandala Krida Stadium Construction Project Working Group Gustik Lestarna; Chairman of the 2016 and 2017 DIY Mandala Krida Stadium Development Working Group; Civil Servant Public Works Service; Housing and Energy HR Dedi Risdiyanto; DIY Provincial Secretariat Civil Servant; Pokja for the 2017 Mandala Krida Stadium Construction Project Joko Susilo.

Then members of Pokja 2 Construction of Mandala Krida DIY Stadium 2016 and 2017, Civil Servant of the Yogyakarta Youth and Sports Education Office Sumitro Yuwono, Entrepreneur CV Sukses Mandiri Teknik Erwin Alexander.

Furthermore, the President Director of PT. Citra Prasasti Konsorindo Irfan Fikri Aulia, staff from CV Reka Kusuma Buana Sigit Susilo Abriansyah and private from CV Reka Kusuma Buana Hery Kristiyanto. "They were also questioned as witnesses," he said.

It is known that the KPK is currently investigating alleged corruption cases related to the construction of the Mandala Krida Stadium, Yogyakarta. Tracing allegations of irregularities in project work with the 2016-2017 APBD.

"Currently, an investigation is being carried out by the KPK in the case of alleged corruption in the construction work of the Mandala Krida stadium in the 2016-2017 Budget for the Yogyakarta Special Region government," said Acting KPK spokesman for prosecution Ali Fikri, Monday, November 23.

The KPK also has not explained who is the suspect because the announcement of the suspect will be carried out in conjunction with attempts to force the arrest or detention of the suspects.

"We cannot convey the parties named as suspects at this time," he said.

Ali also ensured that every development of this alleged corruption case would be conveyed to the public in a transparent manner.

"We will definitely convey the progress of this case to the public in a transparent and accountable manner as mandated by the KPK Law," he concluded.

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