
JAKARTA - The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) confirmed that the Indonesian House of Representatives (DPR) has approved the budget for the procurement of official official cars for leaders, supervisory boards, and structural officials within the KPK.

"In the KPK 2021 budget, the information we received is true that there is DPR approval regarding the budget for the procurement of official cars for leadership, adult and structural officials within the KPK," said Acting KPK spokesman Ali Fikri in his statement in Jakarta, reported by Antara, Thursday , October 15th.

Based on information, the budget for the official car of KPK chairman Firli Bahuri is worth Rp1.45 billion. Meanwhile, the four deputy chairmen of the KPK are Rp1 billion each.

Ali said that currently his institution does not have official cars for KPK leaders or structural officers.

However, he said, the amount of detailed budget for official car procurement is currently not final.

"It is still under discussion, especially regarding the details of the budget ceiling for each official car unit," said Ali.

He also said that the number of official car units would refer to the Commission Regulation on Organization and Work Procedure (Perkom Ortaka) which is still in harmony at the Ministry of Law and Human Rights (Kemenkumham).

"Meanwhile, the amount of price will certainly refer to the standard cost as stipulated by the Minister of Finance and the e-catalog of LKPP (Government Procurement Policy Institute for Goods / Services (LKPP)," he said.

Previously, DPR RI Commission III member Arsul Sani had also confirmed that his party approved the budget for the procurement of official cars within the KPK.

"Regarding the car procurement budget at the KPK, Commission III only approved the amount and allocation of the amount because the DPR was not allowed to be included in the discussion of unit three of the K / L budget line. Therefore what we agreed to was the KPK car procurement budget requirement as a whole, not the car allocation. for whom, how much for each, and what type or brand, "said Arsul.

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