
JAKARTA - The National Commission for Child Protection (Komnas PA) has asked all elements of society not to involve children in demonstrations against the Job Creation Law, which has just been approved by the DPR. Komnas PA found that thousands of children who did not have an interest took part in the demonstration against the Job Creation Law in various regions.

As in DKI Jakarta, it was found that the security forces arrested hundreds of student demonstrators from various points such as in front of the Presidential Palace, Harmoni, Pasar Senen, Pasar Rebo Flyover and HI Roundabout.

The students were allegedly brought in from various regions to create a heated and noisy situation.

Likewise in Medan, North Sumatra, hundreds of students were found in the middle of a demonstration against the Job Creation Law, clashing with security forces.

Likewise in Makassar, Bandung and Pontianak. They were involved in demonstrations by elements of society, workers, students and pro-democracy activists.

The same thing was found in Pematangsiantar (North Sumatra), East Java and Batam.

Unrest broke out during a demonstration on October 13 against the Job Creation Law (Photo voi.id production team)

"What is concerning is that the children with the status of students were allegedly brought in from various regions to throw the security forces at each other in a demonstration to create a heated and chaotic situation," said Chairman of the National Commission for Child Protection Arist Merdeka Sirait in his statement, quoted by Antara, Wednesday, 14 October.

Arist explained that many children detained by the police admitted that they were mobilized through chain messages using social media. They also don't know what they are fighting for.

"We were only ordered to gather in one place and provided a vehicle and some had to fight on a truck in chains," Arist said, quoting the confession of a child who was detained at Polda Metro Jaya.

His party is against if children are deliberately involved or exploited politically for the interests and goals of certain groups.

"It is undeniable that children were deliberately presented in demonstrations to reject the Job Creation Law for the purposes and interests of certain groups," he said.

Arist also asked all parties not to involve children in political activities, demonstrations for the benefit of certain groups.

Police guarding a demonstration against the Job Creation Law on October 8 in Jakarta (Irfan Meidianto)

This is because mobilizing children in political activities that have nothing to do with their interests is a form of violence and political exploitation and crimes against humanity.

"Let us not use children for political purposes," he said.

Previously, the National Police Headquarters said that the demonstration on October 13 was attended by many students, whose number reached 806 people spread across Jakarta, Tangerang, Bekasi and Depok.

Head of Public Relations Division of the National Police, Inspector General Prabowo Argo Yuwono, said that 806 students who were caught during the demonstration were recorded. They were given directions and then submitted to their respective parents.

"It needs guidance from all parties, especially parents so that children do not participate in the demonstration. What else is being fought for, they don't know," said Inspector General Argo.

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