
JAKARTA - The floods that hit the Jakarta area since the beginning of the year have started to recede. But, it turns out that the problem doesn't stop there. A group of people on behalf of the DKI Jakarta Flood Victims Advocacy Team will file a lawsuit against the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government.

This civil lawsuit was sparked because there were several residents who felt material losses due to the floods. Therefore, they asked Anies to take responsibility as the control holder of the flood management program in DKI.

"Initially we were invited to a discussion with the residents. The residents complained (about the loss) and consulted whether this matter was prosecuted or not. Finally, we conveyed that there was a room regulated by law called class action," said the Coordinator of the DKI Jakarta Flood Victims Advocacy Team, Diarson. When contacted Lubis, Monday, January 6.

After agreeing to plan a lawsuit, they began to collect reports of losses from other residents. The report can be submitted via the WhatsApp group and email service at the address [email protected].

Diarson said, now there are around 200 people reporting. The report will be inventoried with an attached file of losses to residents affected by the flood.

"The residents agreed to take that option. After that, they finally took the initiative to create their own hotline for the shelter, so the reports have been collected first," said Diarson.

This advocacy team consists of four people, namely Diarson Lubis, Alvon K. Palma, Ridwan Darmawan, and Azas Tigor Nainggolan. "Who will be the representative of the group, now he will represent," he explained.

Currently, the report files are being verified by the advocacy team to check the completeness of the files. After that, they will file a lawsuit in court next week.

Head of the Water Resources Agency, Juaini Yusuf, admitted that the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government had discussed a class action lawsuit plan filed by some residents of Jakarta who were flood victims. Seeing that this lawsuit will be filed against government agencies, all legal matters at the court will be handled by the DKI Legal Bureau.

"It was discussed earlier. That will be the legal bureau that will answer, because if we (SDA) are only technical (policy) matters," said Juaini when met at the City Hall of DKI.

Responding to the proposed lawsuit, DKI DPRD Chairman Prasetio Edi Marsudi considered it natural for residents to file legal complaints against the regional government. Given, the source of funds for policy management including flood management is taken from the DKI Regional Budget.

"The government, in working to tackle the flood, is poured out of people's money. The problem is the flood yesterday, the local government did not seem to be responsive. That's why people feel disadvantaged. Yes, please feel free to make a class action," said Prasetio.

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