JAKARTA - In a new interview with Jaimunji from Metal Roos Australia, Kreator vocalist Mille Petrozza revealed the reason why the band's last album sounded so fresh.
"We are a bit relaxed (in releasing the album). God's Of Violence [2017] came out, it's also been five years [since the 2012 Phantom Antichrist], even though the album was ready a year earlier. So, we don't issue anything if we don't get it out "We keep our mouths shut if we don't have anything to say," Mille said.
"Previously we weren't sure that there were so many songs I wrote where I said, 'I can't wait until people hear these songs,' I won't be releasing an album," he continued.
Mille admits that he has written a new song for his next album which will come out in 2025 or the following years. But, for him, it's always important to make fresh riffs or lyrics themes that he hasn't talked about before.
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"Or not as I am currently doing - you know, there is a new point of view in it, something new," he added,
"So for me, it's important. And maybe that's why we still sound fresh because we rarely release albums [often]. Some of our metal bandmates are friends, they sometimes seem to release albums almost once every two years, that's good, if that works for them. We, it doesn't work."
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