
JAKARTA - Achmad Albar revealed the beginning of the selection of God Bless' name which has been used to this day.

This was said when God Bless was announced to have received a record from the Indonesian World Record Museum (MURI) as the Oldest Rock Genre Band that was still Working, in a virtual event on Thursday, November 2.

Iyek, as he is familiarly called, said the name God Bless was chosen when Achmad Albar, Ludwig Lemans, Fuad Hassan, and Donny Fattah first appeared at Taman Ismail Marzuki (TIM) on May 4 and 5, 1973.

Achmad Albar admitted that he had proposed another name. He had proposed Gods as the name of the band. However, his proposal was rejected.

At that time I proposed the name Gods, which means God/Dewa. At that time, Fuad Hassan was criticized, he said, "Don't, if in Indonesia we use the name it can be a problem," said Achmad Albar.

"Well, in 1973 I proposed Gods, but other members objected," he continued.

Then, Achmad Albar admitted that he was inspired by a new name when he received a Christmas card from an acquaintance who lived in the Netherlands. He also proposed the name God Bless to other personnel.

"At that time, while thinking, I got a lot of Christmas cards from friends in the Netherlands. There was God Bless writing there. Then I proposed the name God Bless again. It's good, it means Rahmat God," he said.

"Yes, they finally agreed," he added.

However, God Bless had also used another name. At that time, the unnamed band was asked to replace The Rollies to appear in one of the nightclubs.

Previously, we were asked to play suddenly at a club in Harmoni. The owners of the club are all racers. We were not ready before, because The Rollies were supposed to play at the same time, but they were unable to play in Singapore. That night, suddenly named Crazy Wheels, "concluded Achmad Albar.

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