
JAKARTA - Tilda Swinton, Steve Coogan, and Massive Del Naja's Robert Del Attack are some of the 2,000 people from the art and entertainment world who signed an open letter calling for a ceasefire in Gaza.

rinya Margoyles, Maxine Peake,Frank Boyle and Charles Dance were also among the signatories of the letter, who criticized various governments for "not only tolerate war crimes but also help and conspire" amid the current conflict between Israel and the Hamas group in Palestine Hamas as well as any acts of violence against civilians and any international law violation of anyone who does so".

Citing Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Gallant's depiction of Palestinians as animals', the letter further states that Palestinians have become people who can do anything'.

We witnessed crimes and disasters. Israel has destroyed much of Gaza's territory, and cut off supplies of water, electricity, food and medicine for 2.3 million Palestinians. According to a statement by the deputy secretary of the United Nations on humanitarian matters, the death moment is overshadowing the region," the statement read.

Gaza has become a refugee community and refugee children. Now, in the number of hundreds of thousands of people, bombarded from the air, sea and land, Palestinians whose grandparents were forced out of their homes because gunfire were once again asked to flee or face collective penalties on an unimaginable scale. Their rights were removed, described by Israel's defense minister as animals', they have become people who can do anything.

Our government not only tolerates war crimes but also helps and supports these crimes. It will come time for them to be held accountable for their involvement. However, for now, while condemning any acts of violence against civilians and any international violation of any of the perpetrators, our obligation is to do everything we can to end the unprecedented atrocities in Gaza.

We support the global movement against the destruction of Gaza and the mass evacuation of the Palestinian people. We demand that our government end their military and political support for Israel's actions.

We call for an immediate ceasefire and the opening of Gaza's crossing to allow humanitarian aid to enter without a hitch.

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