JAKARTA - The Hives discussed their upcoming new album, The Death Of Randy Fitzseladi a new interview with NME.
"The Death Of Randy Fitzs" arrived 11 years after the last release from the Swedish band, Lex Hives, with the characters in the title referring to their founders, mentors, and mysterious songwriters.
The album will be released on August 11.
Speaking to NME, vocalist Pelle Almqvist and guitarist Nicholaus Arson discussed returning to the studio after more than a decade.
"You want to come back with an explosion, you don't want to go back with 'adult rock'," Arson said of the band's high-energy approach to the new album.
Imagine The Hives has been far from 10 years and is now ripe, Almqvist explained.
"It's important to go the other way around. It must be so stupid and efficacious, even worse than we've ever experienced before! The punk songs on this album are almost worse than our first record.
"The Bomb and Trapdoor Solution are almost like we've reached the ceiling.
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"Every time we play these songs, I feel we are industry leaders on the pitch," added Arson.
"Quick, energetic, rock'n'roll and punk. It's a good feeling, and because it's been gone for so long, that's what we ended up doing because of the excitement.
They also revealed that unusual instruments have helped form The Death Of Randy Fitzsmen.
"We bought this object from The Yellow Pages, which is a prototype made by this person from an organ linked to a guitar that is connected to the vocal microphone," said Almqvist.
"It's a one-person band tool and very ridiculous."
"Every time we wrote something about it and it sounded cool, we thought it sounded like a pop-py version of the band Suicide," continued Arson.
Whether it's The Stooges, Kraftwerk or the initial hip-hop, the similarity is rhythm and one sings on it for two or three minutes.
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