
JAKARTA - In an interview with Ahmad Dhani and Candra Darusman on the Liputan 6 YouTube channel regarding music royalties, Wednesday night, Once Mekel expressed disappointment with Ahmad Dhani for not resolving this issue personally and tarnishing his name in public.

Once Mekel said that even though he was open to solving this problem through a personal approach before being brought to the realm of law.

"Actually, one thing outside the law is that Mas Dhani has never made a personal approach. So there are two approaches, first through a lawyer. His lawyer asked me for a large amount of money. And there I am also not a person who immediately silenced. I do not rule out the possibility to take a personal approach, "said Once Mekel.

"Asal diketahui saja, ini bukan berdasarkan keputusan hukum positif yang berlaku. Dan Mas Dhani menjawab benar bahwa ini melalui LMKN dan LMK. Saya enggak tahu apa Mas Dhani lupa, tapi memang saya regret tidak melakukan pendekatan pribadi," lanjutnya.

"At that time the context was before the big Jakarta Stadium concert. Maybe he was afraid of friction there. Even though I opened up to take a personal approach. However, this has never been achieved. In the end, it spread everywhere by vilifying my name as if I was guilty before the law," he explained.

Therefore, the former vocalist of Dewa 19 hopes that this problem will find clarity from a legal perspective so as not to mislead the public.

"I hope that it will be clear what the legal position will be, then I will talk to Mas Dhani. Because if it's like yesterday, we will mislead the public," he said.

"So in my opinion, this must be built an understanding that there is a rule of law, which states where it wants to be taken. Because once again, I am a person who follows the law," concluded Once.

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