
JAKATA - Hindia alias Baskara Putra on Wednesday released a new single entitled Problem of the Future with lyrics expressing his concern in dealing with macro problems that occur in the world.

"This song is about despair in facing various macro problems that will come, such as price increases, environmental degradation and so on," said the Indies, quoted from Antara, Wednesday.

"So this is a matter of pressure that I get macroally as part of my generation in seeing and responding to what is happening in this world," he added.

The problem of the Future sounds like a light song with a disco musical rhythm composed by the Indies itself with producer Enrico Octaviano. The song, which was circulated by Sun Eater, has been listened to through various digital music platforms starting April 5, 2023.

This song is the second song presented as part of the album Moreover Life will end. The full album of the two Indies is planned to be released on 7 and 21 July 2023.

Previously in March, the Indies had released the first single from its album, the Promise of False. According to the singer, False Promise summarizes the contents of the album from a personal point of view while Future Problems talk about various common things that happen to everyone.

For information, Fake Promises have been played 100 thousand times on Spotify on the first day of its release and 64 thousand music videos watched on YouTube.

For the Indies, the achievement of False Promises is a sign that listeners are ready to accept their latest work without having to continue to compare it with the album Dancing with Shadow.

Although the music is relatively easier to digest and the lyrics are relevant to many people, the Future Problem is expected to receive a positive response. Even so, for the Indies, this is not the main goal of working.

"I always use the Indian songs as a process for me to get to know myself and know what I want, what I don't want, what I need or what I don't need," he said.

"If there are benefits for others in any form, it is a bonus," concluded the Indies.

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