
JAKARTA The pop punk unit from Jakarta, Summerlane, released a new single titled Heaven's Hell.

"Heaven's Hell tells about a toxic relationship that feels it's been going on for too long. Until one of his partners thinks it's time to end all because he feels that after meeting him, hell isn't even doing anything," said Rizky Prayosi, Summerlane's vocalist in a written statement received by the editor.

This song was worked on by Summerlane with Fachrizal Achmad as producer, and Ozom from Rocket Rockers as drummer. With a duration of 03:28 minutes, this song sounds energetic and thick with the nuances of punk pop music.

With the presence of this song, Summerlane hopes that Heaven's Hell can be accepted by Summerbones (as Summerlane fans) and music listeners in Indonesia and abroad.

In addition to the release of this single, they also revealed plans for a tour to be carried out in the near future.

"We will hold a tour for our latest single promo. For the city we will approach later, we will update on Summerlane's social media," said Johan.

For information, Summerlane consists of four personnel, namely Rizki Prayosi (vocals), Johan (guitar), Vicky Rivaldi (guitar), and Alexander Bryan (bass).

Formed since 2015, they have produced one EP (Mini album) entitled This World Will Carry On Without You and several singles such as Move Along, Frenemy, Sweet Escape, and Let It Go.

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