
JAKARTA - As a user of Mazda, of course, not a few have asked when full electric cars will be present, while some manufacturers already have long-term plans, both in terms of infrastructure development, to batteries.

But don't worry, the answer to when Mazda launched the full electric car has been answered. This was revealed by North Mazda CEO Tom airing, quoted from the InsideEV page, Saturday, October 21.

The manufacturer's plan will make an electric car in 2025. Indeed, only a few details are disclosed, which is most likely a crossover.

"It will become an existing nameplate, most likely a crossover and will add more electric vehicles, depending on consumer demand," he said.

However, Mazda will continue his plug-in hybrid lineup for all his staff. Because according to him, hybrid is the right technology for today's market.

"Given the many challenges in terms of infrastructure and other things, we are committed to the future of electricity, but in the short term we feel the current technology is right," he explained.

This news is certainly very good for anyone who appreciates this Japanese brand approach which is indeed thick with models to luxury.

Mazda previously announced that it would increase the launch of a number of new BEVs from 2028 to 2030, and even estimated that the number would reach between 25 percent and 40 percent of its total global volume.

They are also in talks with various new tech partners, including Panasonic for batteries, and have close ties to Toyota as well as the upcoming hybrid and BEV technologies.

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