
JAKARTA Memories of today, nine years ago, 27 October 2014, President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) appointed Anies Baswedan as the new Minister of Education and Culture (Mendikbud). This trust was given by the government because Anies was considered to be developing the field of education.

Previously, Anies was widely known to be active in the world of education. He was once listed as the rector of Paramadina University. This position made him have a lot of activities. From Paramadina Scholarships to the Indonesian Teaching Movement.

Education is a powerful tool of change. The narrative was agreed by Anies Baswedan. He has the aspiration to make education a means of positive change for the whole of Indonesia. The universe then seemed to bring Anies to be the Chancellor of Paramadina University from the 2007-2015 era.

His leadership at the University founded by Islamic scholar, Nurcholish Madjid brilliantly. The initiation is widely taken into account. Mainly, the matter of providing scholarships to young people in remote parts of the country to be able to study at Paramadina. Paramadina Fellowship, his name.

The scholarship helped the younger generation who were initially constrained by costs, then were able to study and succeed. All because the scholarship has covered everything. From tuition fees, books, to places to residence.

The initiation in the field of education is not only present on campus. He also initiated the Indonesian Teaching Movement. The movement was initiated by Anies to empower the younger generation. They were then recruited, trained, and sent to serve in remote parts of Indonesia for one year.

This activity led to the symbiosis of mutualism. Young people get experience as teachers. Students get adequate education. This condition makes Anies' name famous. His name, even being told as an agent who carries change.

Anies' work has attracted many people. Even Jokowi. Anies made him a spokesman for the Jokowi-Jusuf Kalla (JK) winning team in the 2014 presidential election. The results were brilliant. Jokowi and JK then became the new President and Vice President of Indonesia.

Even though they use the name of teaching, for Anies the Indonesian Movement Teaching more than just teaching. In terms of idealism, GIM has two goals: filling the shortage of quality teachers in elementary schools, especially in remote areas; and preparing university graduates to become future leaders who have knowledge, experience and closeness to small people in remote parts of the country.

"But from a practical point of view, the Indonesian Teaching Movement is an attempt to knit national weaving. Not with theory, but with real practice. However, what are the criteria for participants of this Indonesian Teaching Movement? As he runs a scholarship program at Paramadina, in the Indonesia Teaching Movement he carries out the same formula: admit the best, "said Muhammad Husnil in the book Fulfilling the Promise of Independence (2014).

The success of bringing Jokowi-JK to victory in the 2014 presidential election made Anies splashed in benefits. Anies, who in fact studied the world of education, was appointed by Jokowi to become Minister of Education and Culture. Anies was chosen because of his precipitation in the world of education.

Ulam's beloved peak arrived. Anies was then appointed by President Jokowi as Minister of Education and Culture at the State Palace on 27 October 2014. Anies immediately perpetuated the breakthrough. He began to invite all teachers to increase knowledge with a series of trainings and so on. He wants the capacity of a teacher to increase.

Another breakthrough Anies is trying to eliminate the culture of cybercoan. He tried to replace the student orientation period with the school environment introduction period. He also tried to appoint the Director General of Culture from non-civil servants. The breakthrough was considered revolutionary.

"I really appreciate and respect the firmness of the attitude and actions of the Minister of Education and Culture Anies Baswadan towards what is referred to as a plencoan, because it has been a long time since I was plagued by confusion that has twisted the sukum due to the plonco culture in Indonesian education."

The fact is undeniable regarding the negative impacts and even destructive peloncoan is quite abundant in the form of not only victims of inner and outer inner wounds, but even casualties due to the pploncoan. The real victims of the loncoan count is countless because it has never been officially calculated as a result of being considered as an ordinary lubricant," said Jaya Suprana in the book Berkak-Bercak Harapan (2018).

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