
Da'wah activities for Ustaz in the month of Ramadan are always more intense than the other months. Many media ask speakers to fill in the events they are preparing. However, Ramadan 2021 is different for Ustaz Zacky Mirza.

A graduate of Al Azhar University, Cairo, Egypt, he is more active in social media. In fact, Ustaz Zacky has been contracted by a private television station to fill a program with the gambus music group Sabyan. However, due to the controversy that occurred, the event was canceled.

Instead of complaining, Zacky considered this an opportunity given by Allah to maximize preaching on social media. "Just enjoy the busy life in Ramadan 2021. If diniatin activities are for Lillahitaala, you can get a lot of bonuses. Get worldly and ukrowi bonuses. If you have worldly intentions you can't enjoy the afterlife," said Ustaz Zacky when he visited the VOI editorial office in Gondangdia, Central Jakarta, April 2nd.

Ustaz Zacky focuses more on waqf Alquran at this time. To channel it, Ustaz Zacky traveled to various parts of the country. "Because of all the years I have been engaged in social activities, only this waqf activity feels really jleb. Because we invite people to do as much good as possible through alquaran. And I really feel that anyone whose life glorifies the Koran will be given a lot of convenience by him. Allah SWT, "he explained.

Ustaz Zacky Mirza (Photo: Savic Rabos, DI: Raga / DI)

Between waqf activities, he still continues to do virtual da'wah. Choosing da'wah on social media channels, Ustaz Zacky felt he had many opportunities to greet young people.

"Alhamdulillah, now I have started a habit one year after the pandemic. In the past I have been involved in the digital world a lot. In the end, when I attended lectures, studies, lectures, I had to learn a lot online," he explained.

In fact, online preaching is not as easy as delivering a live lecture. "If there is immediate feedback, right. We want to tell you that sadness looks sad. We want to laugh at it funny. If we are online, we are like congregating with the unseen world," he explained.

He gave an example when all participants were allowed to open mic, everything would become noisy. "Then a lot of the videos were closed too, so I learned more about how to convey the study in a light, easy and acceptable way. The biggest obstacle is the signal. But Alhamdulillah, the more I come here, the more I understand what preparations for online studies are. So it's not last minute. continues to lose signal, "he said firmly.

Ustaz Zacky Mirza (Photo: Savic Rabos, DI: Raga / DI)

Young people, he continued, are currently very close to social media. According to him, it is very important to enter the da'wah field on social media.

"In my opinion, now many people are not ashamed to post negative things, that's why I always invite my friends to post the slightest kindness. So it's not just the obligation of Ustad, Habaib. As light as any, as easy as anything, if there is a value of preaching, convey it. Don't shame, "he explained.

Currently, the content of preaching is still marginalized. Many feel heavy when preaching is delivered directly. Ustaz Zacky tries to find loopholes by learning what he likes on social media.

"I have made baperan content, discussed life's matters to touch the millennial generation. The one-two-minute monologue I uploaded on Instagram and YouTube, was two days up, watching only 150. At the same time there was a small child who reviewed hickey one hour of posts that watched millions. . Wow, this is bad, but that's the digital world, "he said.

At one point, Zacky felt even more ridiculous when studying phenomena on social media. "What's even more hilarious is a video of a person who doesn't move at all for two or three hours watching millions. Wow, who's this crazy? That means for the digital world we have to know the market share. For monologue studies, many teachers have made it. I have to. make a different one, "he said.

Ustaz Zacky Mirza (Photo: Savic Rabos, DI: Raga / DI)

Realizing the needs of young people on social media, Ustaz Zacky Mirza changed his style of dahwah. "Finally, I made good da'wah to spread goodness. For example, when there are UMKM friends asking for endorsements, I am okay with what notes, there is a value of preaching that is inserted. Like food endorsements, then I insert a message to eat halalan toyiban. we can't live in the digital world, "he said.

Like a tit for tat, now there are many artists who do not hesitate to preach on social media. In different ways, Zacky feels happy and proud to see him.

"I think everyone has a different method, and it must be. Rosullullah gives guidance to convey the truth even though it is only one verse. Now there is TikTok one minute that also convey it. Do not leave social media for us, just keep saying it with kindness so that people are closer to us. kindness, "he said.

The terror incident that occurred some time ago became an instruction for Zacky Mirza. Young people who are exposed to the wrong teachings of Islam should be used as lessons.

"I think we have to straighten this out so that it doesn't appear that Islam is extreme, Islam is a lot of crimes against humanity. We have to show what Islam really is? Islam is a religion that reconciles, understands each other, embraces well, because that is what Allah SWT said. friendly, not angry, "he explained.

Ustaz Zacky Mirza (Photo: Savic Rabos, DI: Raga / DI)

Zacky wants people to know that in Islam, there is a belief that Allah created tribal humans to perfect each other, not to bully or even harm.

"Islam is rahmatan lilalamin, Islam is when we care about our difficult neighbors. Islam is when our prayers produce a sensitive heart so that we can honor our guests. So Islam is not only our prayer right, but how prayer is able to shape our personality to be more moral and civilized. , "he said.

Studying Islam, you should also know the history of the Prophet who respects what is not Islamic. "Do not be as if those who are not Muslim are not part of us. It means that they are not part of human values. Life is side by side. There is Islamic meaning, good relations among Muslims. It is a basyariah form, this is a good relationship with anyone of any religion. It needs to be emphasized. Do not let the content run wild so that it appears that Islam is a harsh religion, which must be spread at the expense of others. That is not exemplified by Rosullullah at all, "he said.

Ahmad Zacky gave an example of how Islam is well accepted if da'wah is carried out peacefully. "The message is acceptable because it can reconcile. Walisongo in Java can be accepted by its teachings because it is soothing. Content that makes the framing of Islam hate non-Muslims is wrong," he added.

Ustaz Zacky Mirza (Photo: Savic Rabos, DI: Raga / DI)

What must be avoided is how social media can give negative exposure to young people. Therefore, Zacky Mirza feels it is important to flood positive content as a counterweight.

"When a person is empty there is no solid foundation, there is no solid foundation when studying Islam, it ultimately depends on who he is who gives an understanding of Islam. Viewing Islam is like wearing glasses, depending on what color. If the glasses are red, then everything will be red. Islam has the impression of being evil, then everything looks evil. If green glasses are all green, if we wear green glasses, see ripe fruit the color will be green. That's Islam, so wear clear glass. It means objective so that red remains red, green remains green. , "he hoped.

The concept of jihad, he continued, does not have to be interpreted as grandiose for young people. "Young people are horrified if their understanding is wrong. Jihad is when killing non-Muslims, that's not the case. We already have permission to help parents in the Nasi Uduk trading house. We study at school, achievement is also jihad. Their brains are narrowed that elections, democracy "That toghut is wrong, something that must be slaughtered is wrong. That is why I chose santuy preaching so that people feel peace when they are preaching, soothing when they hear tausiyah, not justifying it so that people feel calm," he said.

Rosul, he continued, could coexist in the city of Medina with the Nasrasi community, Majushi, which is why it is called civil society. All of that was agreed upon in the form of the Medina charter.

"This is what people need to learn. If we talk about Islam in Indonesia it is subhanallah. Why is it called Aceh the porch of Mecca because from there Walisongo enters Java. They enter not to burn traditions, not eliminate culture. They see examples of how Rosul preached when he was in Mecca and Madinag. "That assimilation describes the beauty of Islam in Indonesia. I am very proud when Indonesia has Pancasila that no other country has," he said.

The month of Ramadan is supposed to be a period of self-evaluation. "If we are in the process of improving ourselves, especially when we are sure that this is our last Ramadan. Our Ramadan should not go out of style, young people today do not hesitate to create creative content. So that they can enter other communities. Because if we go to the mosque, the people will be clear. those who want to worship. How can this preaching get to another world, the world of people who are still allergic to our world of preaching. If we hang out, make friends, enter from our favorite hobbies, cook yes when you become friends you don't want to listen to his advice, "concluded Zacky Mirza. .

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