
JAKARTA - Unpleasant news came from the host of the WALL Barends in which he reported that he had just undergone surgery for kidney stone disease. Through uploads on his Instagram, Why are you showing him still sitting in the hospital bed with his husband and also the doctor who treated him.

"The operation of a kidney-stone laser without incision (intra-renural surgery/RIRS) went smoothly, safely and safely," wroteposti Barends quoted by VOI from Instagram @indybarends, Tuesday, December 17.

Indy said that he had panicked during the process of going to surgery. But fortunately everything went smoothly.

"Give me a panic, I'm fussy. But I'm very relieved, thank you very much, sir," said Why Barends.

After undergoing this operation, Indra Bekti's friend hopes to return to health and promises to maintain a better health.

"Get healthy again amen. I'm fine, I'm ok, praise God," he said.

This upload received a response from friends who prayed for the recovery of Why Barends.

"Teh Kandina sehat-sehat," ujar Melaney Ricardo.

"Oh my goodness, I don't know, I quickly recovered my bottle love," said Marsha Timothy.

"Ndi's healthy spirit," added Yuni Shara.

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