
YOGYAKARTA Cleaning water conditioning (AC) is mandatory on a regular basis. AC cleaning is carried out so that its performance remains good. In addition, cleaning is also carried out so that dust does not block the flow of cool air. However, sometimes AC problems are not cold even though technicians have done cleaning. Related to this, there is a reason why the air conditioner is not cold even though it has been cleaned.

The lack of cold air conditioning even though it has been cleaned can be caused by technical or non-technical reasons. Here are some reasons that could be the cause.

The placement in the air filter is very likely if the AC cleaning is not done properly. When the filter is clogged, the airflow is not smooth. Make sure you clean the filter properly.

The thermostat function on the air conditioner is to set the room air temperature as desired. The wrong thermostat arrangement will make the air conditioner not cool after washing. Once the air conditioner is cleaned, make sure to set the automatic mode thermostat to keep the air conditioner running well.

The AC motor fungsu is to remove the air from the cooler. If the AC fan motorbike is damaged, the hot air cannot be effectively thrown away so the air conditioner is less pronounced. Check the air conditioner motorbike regularly to ensure its performance.

Refrigerants are gas-shaped chemicals. This substance serves to cool the air. Because in the form of gas, the refrigerator has the potential to leak so that cooling is less than optimal. To add to the refrigerator, technicians need assistance.

In air conditioning, compressors are important components that must be considered. Troubled compressors will have a direct impact on the air conditioner so that service needs to be done when having problems. It should be noted that the compressor and CONdesor of the air conditioner are placed outdoors. These components are usually placed in open areas so that they often intersect directly with the weather.

Printed Circuit Board (PCB) on AC is an electronic circuit. PCB can get wet because when cleaning, cleaning fluid does not intentionally slip or drip. To keep working well, wait for the PCB to dry out.

Another technical reason that makes the air conditioner less cold is other components that either intentionally or without problems while cleaning. To find problematic components, you must involve a professional technician.

The cold air produced from the air conditioner will not be felt if there is a hole in the room. The hole will make the cold air wasted outdoors. Make sure your room is completely closed tightly. Also know the temperature of AC 30 degrees hot or cold to check.

Those are some of the reasons why AC is not cold even though it has been cleaned. Visit VOI.id to get other interesting information.

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