
JAKARTA - Hair oil has been touted as a ritual treatment since time immemorial for heavy and healthy hair. Both during Ayurveda and today's beauty treatments, the use of hair oil has deeply rooted in culture to prioritize and protect hair. However, some people find it difficult to overcome hair loss by regularly using oil even though its reputation is good.

This paradox can arise due to several common errors related to the oil processing. Understanding some of these mistakes and how to avoid them can ensure hair oil works properly without causing unnecessary damage.

Adapted by the Times of India, Friday, September 20, it could be the most basic mistake in choosing the wrong type of oil that does not match your hair or skin condition. The discovery of hair oil is present in various formulations, each suitable for different needs. For example, coconut oil is usually the most absorbed into the hair to moisturize even the dryest and often too thick hair for smooth or oily hair.

This oil can lead to buildup, especially in those who are prone to hair loss. In such cases, lighter oils, such as argant or jojoba oils, will be more suitable. It is very important to use oil on hair according to your needs. If there is confusion, the best option of oil for your hair type should be suggested after consulting a dermatologist or even a hair care expert.

Yes, applying oil to hair is good but excessive use of oil can cause problems. Applying oil excessively causes a buildup of oil that can clog hair follicles and has a bad impact on the health of the scalp. This can cause mold and the onset of ketombe, which exacerbates hair loss. Moderate amounts will work, and are usually applied a little.

Most people feel enough by applying it once a week or twice a week. Once again, make sure you apply it evenly, so there won't be any thickening part.

The way you apply hair oil is as important as how much you apply it. Direct application to uncleaned scalp tends to clog it with dirt and dust. If the scalp is dirty, there is a tendency that applying oil directly to the scalp will clog it with dirt and dust. This will cause problems in the skin of the head and can even cause hair to fall out. For application to the skin of the head, apply only to the clean skin, make sure the absorption is right. Massage the scalp very gently using the tip of the finger only with a twisting motion, because it encourages blood flow at once to allow oil to seep into your hair follicles. Don't use excessive force. It can cause hair to break.

If oil is not washed for too long, without being cleaned properly from the head, it can cause oil to become oily and a problem with the skin. One has to clean the oil well with a soft sulfate-free shampoo.

If some oil is left behind, the pores will be clogged which causes irritation of the scalp and hair to fall out. When welding oil, use warm water, which will not remove the natural moisture of your hair. Make sure your hair is free from all applied oil. Continue it conditionarily to maintain moisture and avoid drought.

The use of hot oil will increase the efficiency of oil gluing in the hair in various ways to increase oil penetration. On the other hand, oil that is too hot can burn the skin of the head or damage the hair. Use oil at warm temperatures, not strong heat, because hot oil should not be applied directly to the scalp. You should let it settle at a certain level before massaging it gently. The use of hot oil must be done carefully because too much heat can weaken the strands of hair and will certainly cause damage to the hair.

Oil quality can vary in terms of effectiveness. Oil that has expired or not stored properly can lose its useful properties and even contain harmful bacteria. Always make sure to check expiration date, and make sure oil is stored in a cool and dark place so that quality is maintained. Choose high quality pure oil from leading brands that are guaranteed to provide maximum benefits without causing side effects.

This causes imbalance, especially when a person only relies on hair oil and ignores other hair care aspects. One must have a thorough hair care routine: wash hair frequently, use conditioner, and hydrate hair properly. Excessive use of oil without good cleaning can cause headaches and hair loss problems. Complete this with a balanced diet that also includes adequate hydration and other hair-friendly practices that will be very helpful in ensuring overall hair health.

If used properly, hair oil can prove to be very effective in hair care. A person can benefit from hair oil without experiencing harmful side effects such as hair loss, simply by avoiding the general errors mentioned above - the right oil, the right application, overall shampooing, and overall hair health care.

Remember, for healthy hair, the most important thing is to find balance and do everything in a reasonable way. With attention to such details, beautiful and shiny hair, which is very desirable, will belong to you.

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