
JAKARTA - Willy Dozan's family is currently being discussed by the public after his eldest son and Betharia Sonata, Leon Rahman Dozan was arrested and named a suspect in the case of abuse and insult to the National Police Institution some time ago.

Therefore, Leon Dozan as of Friday, November 17, has been detained by the Central Jakarta Metro Police. He was also charged with Article 351 of the Criminal Code for persecution and 207 of the Criminal Code for insulting the Police Institution.

Before being announced as a suspect, the mother, Betharia Sonata uploaded a video of a conversation that was allegedly between Willy Dozan and Riona Najwa Aurora via telephone.

"Leon hit my sister?" said a man who had not seen his face, quoted by VOI from the Instagram Betharia Sonata, Friday, November 17.

"Leon pulled me Om, until my hand... Indeed he didn't beat me who directly beat me like that, he was beaten or not, but pulled, my hands were blue," replied the woman on the phone.

Furthermore, the man who was in the car said that Leon was still too young so his emotions were not stable.

"Yes, that's why his father actually thinks of his younger brother, he said it's been a year like my son, but Leon's name is this unstable young man. You know why it's been so noisy," said the boy.

Previously, Betharia Sonata had also uploaded an apology for her son through a video clip shown to the National Police Chief, General Listyo Sigit Prabowo.

"Dear Chief of Police, I apologize for my mistake. I admit I was wrong, I made a mistake for my actions that had made harsh words to the National Police institution," said Leon Dozan, as quoted by the video.

"I'm sorry. For Rinoa and her family, I'm sorry," Leon continued.

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