
YOGYAKARTA It turns out that there are some foods that actually make you hungry after eating them. This means that you will continue to eat these foods and do not feel full even though the quantity that has entered your stomach is relatively large.

The feeling of hunger that continues to arise after you eat certain foods is caused by various conditions, for example, the foods consumed do not contain fiber. In addition, the high level of sugar in food will result in the emergence of the hunger hormone called ghrelin. These hormones trigger the emergence of continuous hunger.

The hunger that continues after eating certain foods if followed will have an impact on the health of the body, including triggering obesity. Then, what are the foods that continue to trigger hunger?

Fried potatoes do contain carbo. In fact, some people think that French fries can be filling. But what happens is the opposite, you will feel hungry and cannot stop chewing fries until you don't feel like you have one portion.

The condition of the emergence of continuous hunger when eating French fries or salted potato chips is natural because the sense of taste and the brain always associate energy with sweet foods. Meanwhile, when eating salted food, the sensor will continue to ask for sweet foods.

Instead, you can boil potatoes or eat sweet potatoes to create a full effect.

Some people think that bread can satisfy so they choose bread as a breakfast menu. In fact, bread cannot cause a full effect because it contains very little fiber and nutrients in the bread.

Fresh bread does have carbohydrates that can be digested into sugar. When that happens, the body will remove insulin. The effect is that hunger continues to occur. As a substitute, you can eat wheat bread which has a lot of fiber so that the effect of being full can be longer.

The effect of being full after eating white rice can not last long. This happens because white rice has a high glycemic index content. When that happens, sugar in the blood can go up and down quickly.

To overcome this, you can choose red rice to cause a longer fill effect.

Diet actors will usually consume egg whites in addition to protein. On the other hand, when you eat white, the hunger will appear again quickly. To overcome this, you can eat egg yolks that contain a small amount of fat.

Many brandings state that contracts are suitable for breakfast and trigger a longer fullness. Please note that these conditions do not apply to all products. The series that contain many artificial sweeteners will actually trigger hunger quickly. This happens because after eating whole grains, blood sugar levels will rise but the calories deposited by crude are very small.

You won't get the effect of being full for a long time if you just eat fruit juice. This happens because the fruit fiber has been destroyed. In addition, additional sugar also contributes quickly or indirectly to the emerging hunger effect. Instead, you can eat the fruit without pressing.

That's information about food that makes you hungry. Visit VOI.ID to get other interesting information.

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